COVID-19 Updates



COVID-19 Safety Update - Dec. 30, 2020

December 30, 2020

Statewide legislation can have a profound impact on working people, whether in the form of attacks, such as efforts to dismantle retirement security for working Americans, or opportunities to advance issues of fairness, such as requiring employers to pay overtime.

COVID-19 vaccine availability update

December 24, 2020

The County has received its first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine - both the two-part Pfizer brand vaccine and the two-part Moderna vaccine – intended for distribution to frontline workers across the County employed by hospitals, clinics, and the County itself. OC Health Officer Dr. Clayton Chau told the press the County had received approximately 74,000 doses by the initial rollout this week. However, according to Dr. Chau, there are approximately 200,000 health care workers in Orange County.

COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards from Cal/OSHA

December 11, 2020

As you know, California has experienced a statewide surge in COVID-19 cases and related hospitalizations. I want to make sure that you are aware of recent pandemic-related actions taken by the Division of Occupational Safety and Health of California (Cal/OSHA) which impact health and safety in California workplaces.

Court Mediation Update

October 13, 2020

As many of you know, effects bargaining between OCEA workplace leaders, OCEA staff, and Court management over the Court’s proposed mandatory furloughs resulted in impasse. OCEA advanced the matter to mediation, which was held on Oct. 7, 2020.

Update - OCFC Forum, all-staff meeting

August 20, 2020

I want to thank those OCEA members who attended yesterday’s OCFC Open Forum/All Staff Meeting via conference call. Your participation and advocacy help advance our goals which are safety, security and stability for you and your families. That means a safe workplace for you and your coworkers, security in the form of fair wages and benefits and security in fair, consistent workplace policies.

Last day to take the OCEA Telecommuting and Flexible Schedule Survey

August 18, 2020

The deadline to take the OCEA Telecommuting and Flexible Schedule Survey has been extended through today at midnight. Your input is needed to identify the specific life and work challenges you and your family face during this unprecedented pandemic.

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