May 4, 2017

Orange County

Voice of OC: Santa Ana faces major budget shortfall, officials say

Santa Ana officials face a troubled financial future, with top staff projecting a $14 million shortfall for city operating costs in the upcoming fiscal year and a $19.5 million deficit the following year.


OC Register: Santa Ana police to be equipped with body cameras after council approves $1.4 million five-year agreement

The 6-0 vote, with Mayor Miguel Pulido absent, authorized a five-year, $1.4 million agreement be executed immediately with Taser Inc., to provide 200 body-worn cameras, docking stations, unlimited storage and support services.


Voice of OC: OC Sheriff Wants to Expand Immigration Detention in County Jails

The move would offset more than half the capacity the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) lost when actions by Santa Ana officials prompted the federal agency to cancel its city jail contract.


OC Register: $84,000 a year now qualifies as low income in high-cost Orange County

Record-high rents and home prices are driving up Southern California income limits. Orange County apartment rents, for example, increased 20 percent over the past seven years, while the median sale price of an Orange County house has jumped 40 percent.



Press Enterprise: House GOP health care bill passes

By tracking certain economic indicators in three newly-minted “right-to-work” states and comparing them with three collective bargaining states, researchers set out to answer this question: What’s the impact of these laws on a state’s workforce?


Politico: What's actually in the GOP health care bill

Under Obamacare, insurers can’t charge a 64-year-old more than three times as much as it does a 21-year-old. The GOP plan would let insurers charge older customer five times as much. And in states that waive that rule, insurers could establish an even higher ratio.

Publication Date: May 4, 2017