May 11, 2017

Orange County

Voice of OC: County budget proposes large increase for Sheriff’s Department

The sheriff’s department, which accounts for 19 percent of county discretionary spending, is in line to get 70 percent of the $41 million in new discretionary spending increases requested by county departments. Total discretionary spending next fiscal year is expected to be about $800 million.


OC Register: Palm Lane Elementary’s switch to a charter school faces another challenge by Anaheim district

Palm Lane parent and PTA President Alejandra Martinez said she worries what will happen to her two children, both of whom attend Palm Lane, if the school becomes a charter.


OC Register: 50 Santa Ana Unified educators pegged to lose jobs, another 31 in limbo; 15 Anaheim Union teachers await judge, district ruling

Of the 80 Anaheim Union educators who received pink slips in March, 24 had requested a hearing. Now, only 15 teachers face possible layoffs, said Darrick Garcia, district director of human resources.



Cal Labor Fed: Celebrating mom with union made gifts

For wisdom and TLC, nobody does it like mom. So when shopping for a Mother’s Day gift, consider grabbing something off our list of ethically made blooms, bon-bons, bubbly and beauty products. You’ll be guaranteed to get a smile and a warm hug.


Cal Labor Fed: California labor marches forward, together

Some of the most inspiring moments came from working people. Workers at Tesla – the only major American car manufacturer operating non-union – expressed their commitment to organizing at the plant in Fremont for safer working conditions and a living wage in the face of anti-union CEO & billionaire Elon Musk.



OC Register: California has one of the most expensive prison systems in the world

The first state-run facility used as a prison was a ship named The Waban that was anchored in the San Francisco Bay in 1851. Today, the system is one of the largest law enforcement agencies in the nation with more than 30,000 officers, parole agents and investigators.

Publication Date: May 11, 2017