May 24, 2017

Orange County

Voice of OC: OC Supervisors argue over request for Federal takeover of DA’s Office

The tussle centered on a letter supervisor Todd Spitzer sent Monday to U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, asking that the federal Justice Department “take control” of the DA’s office due to allegations of systemic illegalities and wrongdoing.


Voice of OC: Three years later, frustrated judge still may not have all jailhouse snitch records

The Orange County Sheriff’s Department cut in half the size of the unit monitoring jail informants and the officer in charge of maintaining its records testified in court Tuesday he doesn’t know if the staff has reviewed all 68 boxes of files that could have relevant information about the county’s use of jailhouse informants.


Voice of OC: A year after voters created County ethics panel, selection begins

The five commissioners will provide oversight of the county’s Campaign Reform Ordinance, Lobbyist Registration and Reporting Ordinance, the Gift Ban Ordinance and sections six and nine of the County Code of Ethics and Commitment to Public Service.


OC Register: Improved OC bus routes see ridership increase; route reductions planned to further boost productivity

While total average weekday ridership dropped 2.9 percent from March 2016 to March 2017, ridership on routes improved in June and October overhauls increased by 4.2 percent and 10.4 percent, respectively, according to an OCTA staff report presented to the board on Monday, May 22.


OC Register: Supervisor pledges to pay for $2,000 permit for portable toilets at Santa Ana River trail near homeless camp

Holding up his checkbook at the board’s public meeting, Supervisor Todd Spitzer pledged to cover the cost of a $2,000 permit the county would require, if advocates can secure liability insurance and provide in writing a long-term maintenance agreement.



Cal Labor Fed: Tesla workers subject to unsafe work environment, new report finds

A report released today by Worksafe, a California nonprofit that advocates for better health and safety protections for workers, shows that Tesla’s own data demonstrates annual injury rates at its Fremont plant are significantly higher than industry averages.



Associated Press: Health-care bill would leave 23 million more Americans uninsured, CBO says

A bill to dismantle the Affordable Care Act that narrowly passed the House this month would increase the projected number of people without health insurance by 14 million next year and by 23 million in 2026, the Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday. That 10-year figure is slightly less than originally estimated.

Publication Date: May 24, 2017