June 5, 2017

Orange County

Voice of OC: Irvine City Council set to move Vets cemetery to strawberry field

Former Marine Bill Cook, who is the chairman of a group called the Orange County Veterans Memorial Park Foundation, favors the land swap because he said it saves the taxpayers money and construction will begin faster on the strawberry fields.


OC Register: Supervisors want to dismantle Santa Ana riverbed homeless camp, add showers, toilets in meantime

Two Orange County supervisors are proposing a plan to dismantle the county’s largest and most visible homeless encampment, while making it more habitable in the interim. The proposal would link the estimated 500 homeless people who live along the Santa Ana River with programs to help them find permanent housing.


The San Diego Union-Tribune: Hundreds of constituents grill Issa in Orange County

There were approximately 300 protesters outside the theater where Rep. Darrell Issa spoke, and most were concerned about health care, the environment and the Russia investigation. Most of the questions attendees asked the congressman were about those national topics, but a few asked him about a planned Orange County toll road and aircraft traffic patterns near John Wayne Airport.



The Sacramento Bee: Two-year probation for state workers?

That’s what Jerry Brown is proposing Gov. Jerry Brown’s budget includes a provision that would double the longest employment probation period in state government, extending it two years. Today, departments choose probationary periods of six months to one year.


Los Angeles Times: What would California’s proposed single-payer healthcare system mean for me?

The prospect of a universal single-payer healthcare system in California — in which the state covers all residents’ healthcare costs — has enthralled liberal activists, exasperated business interests and upended the political landscape in the state Capitol. But some are still trying to sort out what exactly all the fuss is about.

Publication Date: June 5, 2017