June 13, 2017

Orange County

Voice of OC: Smoller: Orange County supervisors should support the Voter’s Choice Act

Some people continue to argue that Vote By Mail is subject to election fraud. This is simply untrue. Oregon and Washington have been using vote by mail for decades. They report that voting fraud hasn’t been a problem. The same is true for Colorado, which adopted vote by mail in 2014.


OC Register: Grand jury: No systemic cheating from Orange County D.A., Sheriff in using jailhouse informants

The local report stands in sharp contrast with judicial rulings and other investigations that say local prosecutors have misused jailhouse informants and withheld evidence to get convictions.


Voice of OC: Santana: Will Orange County’s law enforcement complex survive the stand?

Despite a critical grand jury report on the horizon and two sets of ongoing lawsuits from Sheriff’s Special Officers and Deputy Sheriff’s rank and file arguing her department is politicized and mismanaged, OC Sheriff Sandra Hutchens keeps playing it cool.


LA Times: The Josh Newman recall effort is all about retaliation

The signature-gathering effort to recall Newman, as the president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assn. candidly admitted in an op-ed for the Orange County Register, is really about “political retaliation,” not a legislative reversal.


Voice of OC: Anaheim says no time card fraud by police chief, deputy chief

Jarret Young, the police captain who wrote a memo reporting the issues, raised concerns about conflicts of interest for Moisa, the investigator, to ABC7 in October 2016, citing the firm’s frequent work with the Anaheim Police Department.


Daily Pilot: Orange County’s first modern streetcar plans to be the future of transit on track

Following the tracks of other public modern streetcar systems in Portland, Ore., Seattle and Salt Lake City, the transit project — which officials hope will be ready for operation in 2020 — will run on electric wires powered by four traction power substations.



San Francisco Chronicle: John Chiang kicks off campaign with swipe at Newsom

Chiang isn’t exactly a household name, despite having been elected to statewide office three times — twice as state controller and once as treasurer. And if a recent Berkeley IGS Poll is any indication, Chiang has a very steep climb ahead of him — with only 5 percent of the voters on his bandwagon.


Publication Date: June 13, 2017