June 16, 2017

Orange County

OC Register: Homeless ‘czar’ Susan Price looks back on first year with Orange County

Price, who had spent more than two decades working on homelessness in Long Beach, arrived in the heat of fierce criticism and desperate pleas that the Board of Supervisors and other county officials do more, and with extra urgency, to address the growing numbers and worsening conditions of Orange County’s homeless population.


OC Register: Orange County hiring pace falls to 7-year low

Orange County’s job market is dramatically cooling as May’s hiring pace fell to a post-recession low while the number of unemployed shrunk to a low last seen in 2000


OC Register: Members of Congress talk security, unity following shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise at GOP baseball practice

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Burbank, said he’s noticed an uptick in “vehemently negative messages” since coming under the spotlight on Russia matters as the ranking Democrat on the House intelligence panel.


LA Times: In Little Saigon, scraping out a living, one home-cooked meal at a time

For refugees, a new economy requires you to be a new person. You take risks, you learn to adapt, you save a bit here and there to function as part of an immigrant community where most others are doing the same.



LA Times: Lawmakers approve changes to recall elections after an angry debate over political gamesmanship

A controversial bill to revise the rules of special recall elections against lawmakers was approved by both houses of the Legislature on Thursday, but not before angry accusations over the pending recall effort against an Orange County state senator.

LA Times: California Legislature votes to strip key powers from state tax board hit by scandal

The state Board of Equalization has been hit by a series of scandals, including audits showing that it misallocated hundreds of millions of sales tax dollars to the wrong accounts and that elected board members opened field offices and transferred workers without authority to do so.

Publication Date: June 16, 2017