June 19, 2017

Orange County

Voice of OC: OC grapples with homelessness, Sheriff funding and sex assault evidence backlog

County staff, in their budget presentation last week for fiscal year 2017-18, emphasized the county is trying to live within its financial means in the proposed budget. But they said the county plans to use $2 million in reserve funds to pay part of the Sheriff’s Department’s costs.


OC Register: Grand jury forewoman, others say report doesn’t exonerate local prosecutors in use of jailhouse snitches

“They’re not (exonerated),” said Carrie Carmody, the grand jury forewoman. Instead, Carmody, local lawyers and legal scholars said Thursday that the 28-page report paints agency leaders as either inept or lax, creating a culture that sometimes resulted in police work and prosecutions that haven’t stood up to legal scrutiny.


OC Register: Orange County water asks Gov. Brown to prioritize water pollution cleanup

Being added to the list, overseen by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, would force the polluters to fund the cleanup under the EPA’s supervision, according to a letter sent to Brown from the regional office of the EPA.


Daily Pilot: Resistance remains as Fountain Valley Crossings' environmental report heads to council vote

About a half-dozen other like-minded residents huddled at picnic tables Thursday evening at a city park off Ellis Avenue, just outside the proposed Crossings boundaries, to swap criticisms of the plan.


OC.GOV: Feeling a little sick?

OCLinks is the best place to start for any individual, family member, or friend, as well as medical providers – who need support navigating what mental health and substance use programs and services are available here in Orange County.


OC Register: California looks to expand overtime pay

Workers at smaller businesses, where the minimum wage will be $10.50 next year, would benefit the most from the California bill AB 1565. Under current law, overtime will be due to anyone earning under $43,680 at a business with 25 or fewer workers.A controversial bill to revise the rules of special recall elections against lawmakers was approved by both houses of the Legislature on Thursday, but not before angry accusations over the pending recall effort against an Orange County state senator.


PBS: GOP senator warns against rushed vote on health care bill

Senator Rubio’s comments come as Senate Republicans are working hard to finalize legislation to replace the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, without a formal, open drafting session.

Publication Date: June 19, 2017