June 20, 2017

Orange County

Voice of OC: Santana: Controversial Grand Jury jailhouse snitch report puts focus on DA race

Here is the Voice of OC’s take on the Grand Jury report examining the use of jailhouse informants in cases prosecuted by District Attorney Tony Rackauckas


Voice of OC: Online shoppers cutting Into Irvine City Budget

City Manager Sean Joyce, during his budget presentation last Tuesday, told the City Council the move to online shopping is taking a toll around the country and showed them an article from the LA Times that reports 25 percent of malls are predicted to close in five years.


Daily Pilot: Huntington Beach OKs firm to head environmental analysis of Magnolia Tank Farm redevelopment

Daily Pilot: Huntington Beach OKs firm to head environmental analysis of Magnolia Tank Farm redevelopment

The property, about 400 yards from Huntington State Beach, was an oil storage and pumping facility. It contains three 500,000-barrel tanks that would be removed for the proposed project.


OC Register: Orange County median house price sets record at $795,000, Realtors report

The report is a preview of CoreLogic’s housing market report on all housing types, which is due Wednesday. A preliminary report released Friday shows CoreLogic probably will confirm the trend, with existing houses and prices for all housing types hitting record highs.


OC Register: Anaheim to buy Sandman Motel; it will be turned into affordable housing for seniors

The City Council last week, acting as the city’s Housing Authority, approved the $3.5 million purchase of the motel at 1248 E. Lincoln Ave. and parcels at 1239 and 1249 E. Broadway.


Associated Press: You can now tip your Uber driver as troubled company heads in new direction

The expanded earnings opportunities are the first step in what Uber is billing as “180 days of change” for its U.S. drivers. Uber Regional Manager Rachel Holt declined to describe what is planned during the rest of the campaign.


OC Register: Supreme Court to hear gerrymandering case that could reshape U.S. political map

At issue is whether Republican lawmakers in Wisconsin drew legislative districts that favored their party and were so out of whack with the state’s political breakdown that they violated the constitutional rights of Democratic voters.

Publication Date: June 20, 2017