June 27, 2017

Orange County


OC Register: Put politics aside and embrace changing voter preferences

The Orange County Board of Supervisors missed an opportunity to save taxpayers at least $10 million when at their last meeting they rejected the “Voter’s Choice Act.” They need to reconsider this decision.

OC Register: Orange County DA appoints special counsel to hear any reports of ethical violations

District Attorney Tony Rackauckas selected his longtime friend, criminal defense attorney Ronald Brower, to fill the unpaid ethics officer role, a post recommended by the district attorney’s handpicked investigatory committee 18 months ago.

Voice of OC: Is Santa Ana illegally overcharging for trash collection?

The issue came up at the City Council meeting last Tuesday, when questions from a visibly frustrated Councilwoman Michele Martinez eventually prompted staff to say the city has ongoing issues under state law that they’re working to fix.


OC Register: Where you can celebrate July 4th, see some fireworks in Orange County

You can also check out the Orange County Fire Authority’s listing of where professional fireworks shows are planned. And here is the information on the communities that allow safe and sane fireworks with some safety tips from the fire agency.


Daily Pilot: What's that robot doing at Irvine Spectrum? It's on security guard patrol

The Spectrum Center’s K5 has been patrolling for about a week, said Bill O’Leary, vice president of corporate security for the Irvine Co. The test is expected to last three more weeks.

Capital and Main: Working families are big winners of California tax credit expansion

There’s good news for low-income Californians tucked within the massive state budget document Governor Jerry Brown is set to sign this week, including a measure that advocates estimate could benefit more than one million financially struggling families.

Cal Labor Fed: UPTE-CWA members march into bargaining with the University of California, present thousands of petitions against takeaways

UPTE-CWA Local 9119 members marched into a bargaining session at UCLA on June 21 to give management thousands of signatures on petitions from their coworkers demanding protection for quality jobs, research, health care and education.

Publication Date: June 27, 2017