June 29, 2017

Orange County


Voice of OC: Four year delay in providing jailhouse snitch records won’t happen again, Sheriff’s commander testifies

Nearly four years after defense attorneys issued a subpoena, the Sheriff’s Department turned over 1,157 pages of jail records known as the Special Handling log to Judge Thomas Goethals’ court, a disclosure which happened seemingly by accident in 2016.


OC Register: Homeless encampment sprouts at Tustin Civic Center — drawing both concern and compassion

The 51-year-old man resides in one of a dozen tents that have popped up at the Tustin Civic Center in recent months. While a handful of homeless have been there for years, numbers multiplied during last winter’s heavy rains.


OC Register: Anaheim’s $1.7 billion budget for 2017-18 will add more police and enhance parks

The budget shows the city’s reliance on a healthy triumvirate of revenue sources – the tax collected on hotel stays, property taxes and sales taxes – that help feeds the entire city.


Voice of OC: Supervisors OK Coroner’s statewide training contract despite misidentified dead body

The Orange County Board of Supervisors approved a county coroner’s contract to provide training across California despite the department misidentifying a homeless man’s body in May, resulting in a family unknowingly holding a funeral for a stranger.


OC Register: Mesa Water estimated $9 million savings over decade; plans to eliminate unfunded pension debt

In addition, the district has secured an additional $13 million that will go toward its five-year plan to make water system improvements, including automation of water wells, water pipeline testing and maintenance projects.


OC Register: State auditor gets OK to examine South Orange County water district’s financial records

SOCWA is a joint powers authority that includes 10 Orange County water agencies representing about 500,000 businesses and residents. The water agencies fund the authority, which provides wastewater services to the southern portion of the county.

Publication Date: June 29, 2017