July 3, 2017

Orange County


LA Times: 1,800 tons of radioactive waste has an ocean view and nowhere to go

San Onofre nuclear power plant will loom for a long time as a landmark, its 1,800 tons of lethal radioactive waste stored on the edge of the Pacific and within sight of the busy 5 Freeway.


Daily Pilot: 120,000-plus children in Orange County risk going hungry this summer, report says

143,097 low-income children across the county receive free or reduced-price lunches during the school year, more than 86% of them — 123,364 children— lose access to essential meals during the summer months.


OC Register: Festive event at Santa Ana homeless shelter works to develop the trust of a community in need

The gathering at the west Santa Ana Boulevard shelter was intended as both a celebration of the Courtyard’s progress and as another gesture in the ongoing effort to earn the trust of the homeless residents and guide them toward resources that might help rebuild their lives.


LA Times: Orange County pays off the last of $1-billion bankruptcy debt

The county on Saturday delivered its last payment on the $1 billion worth of bonds it used to get out of bankruptcy. With interest, the repayment totaled about $1.6 billion.



San Diego Tribune: San Diego Superior Court to close courtrooms, cut staff because of budget shortfall

Several factors led to the budget cut but most of it is due to the funding structure put in place in 2013, which was designed to make funding allocations for the courts more equitable across the state.



Voice of OC: California Submerged: Rising Seas are claiming its famed coast faster than scientists imagined

A slow-moving emergency is lapping at California’s shores— climate-driven sea-level rise that experts now predict could elevate the water in coastal areas up to 10 feet in just 70 years, gobbling up beachfront and overwhelming low-lying cities.


NY Times: How low can taxes go? Outside Washington, Republicans find limits

In South Carolina, Republicans overrode their governor’s veto and a blocked a filibuster to increase the gas tax.

Publication Date: July 3, 2017