July 5, 2017

Orange County


Voice of OC: Spitzer Wahoo documents released

After reviewing the records and hearing legal arguments from both sides, a judge issued a final decision June 5 declaring all but one paragraph of the Wahoo’s statement and emails public and ordering them released.


Voice of OC: Rackauckas files $190,000 in Behested Payments more than six months late

The donations include $35,000 from Newport Beach billionaire and Broadcom owner Henry T. Nicholas III; $25,000 from onetime state GOP leader and former Rackauckas campaign chairman Michael Schroeder.


OC Register: Santa Ana police union contract boosting salary by 2.75 percent up for City Council approval

If approved by council members, the memorandum of understanding with the Santa Ana Police Officers Association would grant police department employees a 2.75 percent salary increase, retroactively from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018;



Daily Pilot: Newport Beach shuts down 78 unpermitted vacation homes; more are under scrutiny

Newport has shut down 78 rentals and has about 50 more to review, Kim Brandt, Newport Beach’s community development director, told the City Council on Tuesday.



Vox: California decided it was tired of women bleeding to death in childbirth

Put simply, women who give birth in the US have a greater risk of dying relative to other rich countries — and the problem has been growing worse at a time when America’s peers have continued to make pregnancy safer. California is bucking the trend.



AFL-CIO: Civil Rights and Labor: Two movements, one goal

We believe there has never been a more critical point in our nation’s history when it is so crucial for us to reconnect deeply the movement for working people with the movement for civil and human rights. We cannot forget that the March on Washington was about freedom, economic equity and good jobs.

Publication Date: July 5, 2017