July 6, 2017

Orange County

Voice of OC: Sheriff Hutchens testifies at court hearing on informants scandal

Hutchens needs to convince a judge that her department has complied with subpoenas dating back to January 2013, despite major delays in the production of two key records that have raised questions about whether the Sheriff’s Department destroyed or deliberately withheld documents from the court.


OC Register: To prevent homeless taking over bus stops, Anaheim removes benches around Disneyland

Since October, the city has taken out bus benches at the four stops at Harbor Boulevard and Katella Avenue, and another bench further north in front of the Captain Kidd’s restaurant.


OC Register: Santa Ana approves $510.7 million budget

Mayor Pro Tem Michele Martinez said she could not support the budget because $9.3 million in one-time funds were used to balance it. She said in a couple of years, the city could find itself on the brink of bankruptcy, as was the case in 2009.


LA Times: Southern California's heat wave expected to break records Friday

A heat wave settling over Southern California this week could break records from the coast to the mountains while the potential for thunderstorms may increase the risk of dry lightning sparking a fast-growing wildfire, the National Weather Service said Wednesday.


Irvine Valley News: Veterans win big in Irvine as city council approves cemetery site

Statements in favor of the freeway-adjacent alternate site near the El Toro Y were entered into the record from Congressman Lou Correa and State Senator Josh Newman.



OC Register: California hate crimes jump for second straight year

“When someone commits a crime motivated by hate, it is not just an attack on one innocent person, but an attack on the entire State and our communities,” said Attorney General Xavier Becerra said in a statement.


San Diego Tribune: Here are the workers hit hardest by San Diego's rent hikes

Money left after paying rent by San Diego service workers — waiters, healthcare support, retail — dropped by 8.6 percent from 2005 to 2015. That’s more than the nationwide average decrease of 7 percent, but not as high as San Jose where service workers have lost 19.9 percent of their money.

Publication Date: July 6, 2017