August 4, 2017

Orange County

Daily Pilot: Trustees argue during hearing over changing Coast Community College District's election system

Trustee Jerry Patterson said three of his colleagues voted privately in a session before Wednesday’s regular meeting against expanding the five-member board to seven in a maneuver that was not on the agenda.


OC Register: Orange County home listings off 66% from bubble: Here are 10 towns with steepest dips

All 40 local markets tracked by ReportsOnHousing saw smaller inventory for sale, June 2007 vs. June 2017. The biggest percentage drop was in Foothill Ranch. It had 12 residences listed at the end of June vs. 101 a decade ago — a drop of 88 percent.


OC.GOV: County Clerk-Recorder reaches milestone with 8 million - plus electronically submitted documents

According to a County press release, this milestone achievement maintains the department as a nationwide industry leader and is a testament to the department’s commitment to bringing the residents of Orange County fast and efficient services.


Voice of OC: Paying doctors more—will they treat more poor Californians?

California doctors are happily preparing for their first state pay increase in Medi-Cal in 17 years. Physicians and advocates for low-income patients pried a $325 million raise from a reluctant Gov. Jerry Brown, who was skeptical that a doctor pay increase would translate to better care.



Sacramento Bee: Tech workers are fleeing state government. Would raises tempt them to stay?

Information technology workers are leaving their state government positions faster than ever while their pay falls behind their private industry counterparts, their union argues in a new report.



Associated Press: U.S. gains solid 209,000 jobs, unemployment rate falls to 4.3 percent.

Growth in Americans’ paychecks, however, remains stubbornly slow. Average hourly pay rose by 2.5 percent from a year earlier, the same tepid annual pace as in June. That’s below the 3.5 percent to 4 percent that is typical when the unemployment rate is this low.


Publication Date: August 4, 2017