August 10, 2017

Orange County

Voice of OC: Santana: Public wins, politicians lose on secrecy in OC

County officials directly challenged me nearly two years ago to litigate their ridiculous notion that elected county supervisors get to communicate in secret with taxpayer-funded government bureaucrats.


Daily Pilot: Costa Mesa launches interactive map of new voting districts

Residents in each district will elect one council member from that area to represent them, while voters throughout the city will cast ballots for mayor.


OC Register: Huntington Beach to explore local control of utilities

The City Council has taken a step toward claiming added control of its electric utilities, agreeing to examine data from Southern California Edison on the costs and usage of the utility’s power supply.


OC Register: Income needed to afford the median-priced Orange County house: $158,000

San Bernardino County remains the most affordable place in Southern California to buy a house, while Orange County is the least affordable, new housing cost figures show


OC Register: OC Fair 2017: Try these 17 insanely tasty fair foods

Where else can you get battered and fried octopus on a stick, funnel cake made from a mound of churros slathered in whipped cream and a lasagna sandwich?


Labor 411: A hidden army of cheap foreign labor is building auto plants in the US

This CBS News investigation takes us thousands of miles, from South Carolina to Slovenia, in eastern Europe, in search of answers.



LA Times: Political Road Map: No one spends more on lobbying in Sacramento than local governments

Quarterly lobbying reports filed last week show that local and regional governments and their elected officials collectively continue to outpace all other branches of California’s influence industry.


Publication Date: August 10, 2017