August 15, 2017

Orange County

Voice of OC: Why did it take so long for the Sheriff’s Department to turn over jailhouse informant records?

It’s one of several questions Judge Thomas Goethals is considering before ruling Aug. 18 on whether or not confessed mass murderer Scott Evans Dekraai faces the death penalty.


Voice of OC: Laguna Niguel Mayor Jerry Slusiewicz unexpectedly resigns

Laguna Niguel Councilman Jerry Slusiewicz resigned from his position as mayor Monday night minutes before the council was supposed to decide on removing his largely ceremonial title. He will remain on the city council. His term ends in 2020.


OC Register: Why renters are leaving Los Angeles/Orange County – and where they’re going

Affordability is the biggest issue for Los Angeles/Orange County renters. Nearly half of those moving cite it as the top reason. Phoenix is the most popular out-of-state destination for renters in Los Angeles/Orange County.


OC Register: OCTA awards $3.1 million to 16 cities for water-quality improvement projects

“There are pollutants that come out of our roadways that are related to transportation that go into waterways – the ocean, Santa Ana River, and other streams within the county,” CEO Darrell Johnson said. “These are small, technical fixes.”


OCGOV: Safe surrender saves lives in Orange County

In Orange County, persons can safely and anonymously surrender their child up to three days old in any hospital emergency room, fire stations and Orangewood Children and Family Center.



Cal Labor Fed: The Answer to Exploding Inequality: Working People Standing Together

Without strong unions, inequality and its disastrous consequences for our future won’t ever go away. Time to give workers back some of the power they’ve lost. Time for the America to become #UnionStrong once again.



LA Times: A nearly $17-billion water project is being planned for California. What will it cost the Southland?

Decision time is approaching for the agencies that will have to pick up the nearly $17-billion tab for building two massive water tunnels under the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, the heart of the state’s water works.

Publication Date: August 15, 2017