August 28, 2017

Houston Disaster Assistance

Texas AFL-CIO: Texas Worker Relief Fund

Union members affiliated with the Texas AFL-CIO are participating in rescue and relief efforts. These are tough times for our brothers and sisters in Texas. Our movement can send a message of solidarity to our brothers and sisters that are affected by Hurricane Harvey.


LA Times: Los Angeles Times: Harvey's toll: 30,000 expected in Houston shelters, 450,000 may need disaster help

Hurricane Harvey has been said to be one of the biggest natural disaster Texas has ever experienced. Many have been displaced from their homes and are expected to need temporary refuge.


Orange County

Voice of OC: A third candidate enters the race for District Attorney

Former Brea Mayor Brett Murdock’s entry into the race comes as the DA’s office faces multiple issues, including involvement in the so-called “jailhouse snitch scandal” which saw six criminal cases overturned by the Fourth District Court of Appeals.


LA Times: 'Table of Dignity' agricultural workers memorial unveiled, again, after renovation

A ceremony was held to commemorate the huge contributions that farm workers have had in Orange County. The unveiling revealed the Table of Dignity,” to show appreciation and gratitude toward farm workers.


OC Register: Dangerous heat hangs over Orange County

This week will bring high temperatures all over Orange County, with some places even breaking record highs.



OC Register: What business exodus? California tops in U.S. for company creation

So with much talk about companies supposedly fleeing California en masse — purportedly due to unfriendly conditions for business — would you be surprised if I told you the state had the nation’s largest increase in the number of companies between 2014 and this year?


Publication Date: August 28, 2017