August 29, 2017

Orange County

OC Register: Orange County task force rescues 200 from Tropical Storm Harvey flooding

“It has been overwhelming,” CA-5 logistics manager Richard Ventura, one of the unit’s four Hurricane Katrina veterans, said Monday, Aug. 28. “People have been waving our rescuers down. The water is rising so fast.


Voice of OC: DA’s monitor on use of informants didn’t file reports he promised

In an interview Tuesday, Monitor Stephen Larson said quarterly reports weren’t required in his contract, and that he later realized his team’s time is better spent on more important tasks.


Voice of OC: Santana: Workers get a front row seat at the OC Fairgrounds

“We cannot undo the injustices agricultural workers suffered but we can and must recognize their contributions, celebrate their lives and honor their sacrifice,” said OC fairboard member Ashleigh Aitken, who led the unveiling Friday.


OC Register: Layoffs in Orange County: Allergan cutting 109; Peregrine Pharmaceuticals to chop R&D team in half; Universal Alloy cutting 149

The company in a statement said the layoffs will mostly hit its research and development team, which will give Allergan “opportunities to gain additional efficiencies in our organizational structure.”


OC Register: Home prices jump all across Santa Ana

Santa Ana ZIP code 92701 — 109 homes sold in the period vs. 105 a year ago. That’s a sales gain of 3.8 percent. Median selling price of $340,000 compared to $294,500 a year ago, a gain of 15.4 percent.


OC Register: Growing homeless population in Garden Grove’s Little Seoul has led to increased frustration among Korean business owners

Korean business owners and community leaders said the rising number of homeless people has created a problem for the district, including a rise in vandalism and property crimes.



OC Register: More affordable housing? California could try these 9 wild ideas

Let’s be frank: This state’s housing affordability challenges have no simple cures. Once you give into that concept, many of the suggested fixes – options that bank heavily on traditional construction and subsidizing buyers in one form or another – seem too predictable and perhaps are unrealistic


LA Times: California lawmakers reach deal on affordable housing bond

Gov. Jerry Brown and legislative leaders agreed late Monday to a $4-billion bond aimed at the 2018 ballot that would fund low-income housing developments and subsidize home loans for California veterans.


Publication Date: August 29, 2017