November 21, 2017

Orange County

Voice of OC: Santa Ana to Pay $1 Million for car dealers’ new digital billboard

The council agenda and city staff called it a “sales tax loan,” but outside government finance experts said the way it’s set up, it also appears to be a subsidy, a type of grant to businesses or industries used by governments to help them keep prices competitive.


Voice of OC: ACLU: Anaheim Police ninth deadliest of 60 Biggest U.S. cities

From 2003 to 2016, 33 people died following use-of-force by an Anaheim police officer. Of those 33, 29 were shot, three died in incidents where officers used a TASER and other physical force, and one after an APD officer placed the person in a chokehold, according to the report.


OC Register: Chapman study: Tax reform gives wealthy homeowners surprising break

Proposed federal income tax reform will hurt overall housing prices but quirks in deductions mean the smallest losses would be for owners of the most affordable homes and uber-wealthy owners, a Chapman University study shows.


OC.GOV: Public Health “Thank You” Day recognizes public health professionals

We thank all of our dedicated public health professionals for the great work they do to promote optimal health for all who live, work and play in Orange County.



Labor 411: This graphic shows how employee wage theft compares to other types of theft

The numbers are shocking. The U.S. loses 43.8 billion a year to auto theft and $8.8 billion on overtime violations. Working employees off the clock accounts for another $3.2 billion annual loss.


Cal Labor Fed: California Labor stands with women workers

Unions are about giving workers a collective voice so they have the power to stand together to improve their working conditions. Women in unions have a contract that provides equal pay, prohibits retaliation, and gives women a representative to ensure a fair process when reporting abuse.



LA Times: Net neutrality rules targeted for repeal by FCC chairman

AT&T, other telecom companies and industry trade groups sued to block the rules in 2014, arguing the FCC exceeded its authority in approving the regulations.


Publication Date: November 21, 2017