November 22, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

Orange County

Voice of OC: Housing shortage sent homeless at transitional shelter back to streets

The county keeps talking about the shelter being a “bridge to housing,” but that won’t be the case until there’s actual housing for people to move into, said Eve Garrow, a homelessness policy advocate with the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California.


OC Register: As holiday shopping nears, a Cal State Fullerton expert weighs in on the future of malls and online retailers

“In Orange County, primary diversion forces drawing customers away from ‘legacy general merchandisers’ since the mid-1990s have been the opening of key discounters such as Costco, Target and Walmart, coupled with a relative stagnation of household incomes since the Great Recession of 2007-09.”


OC Register: Los Angeles, Orange County ranked 3rd-best place to retire, Inland Empire is worst

Bankrate scored L.A.-O.C. “great” for weather and things to do; lauded it for “low” crime rates; graded “good” for well-being; “below average” for public transit, size of population 65-plus and health-care; and got knocked for high taxes and cost of living.



Labor 411: Five dumb things people believe about unions

One of them is that union are undemocratic. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, one could argue that unions are among the most democratic organizations. Unlike a corporation, unions are bottom up organizations where members elect their officers, approve bylaws, and vote on contracts.


Labor 411: Trump's Labor Secretary Scrutinizing Worker Centers After GOP Rep. Calls Them a "Front for labor unions"

Worker centers serve as new mechanisms to give workers a voice on the job, particularly in the service and retail sectors where unions say federal labor law has been interpreted in a way that makes it difficult for workers to organize.



New York Times perspective: The women I’m thankful for

There shouldn’t be cookies and back pats for men who did not confuse inebriation with consent or assume that their personal assistants’ most cherished dream was to see them emerge, naked, from the shower. Women shouldn’t have to be grateful for any of this. We should take it for granted.


Publication Date: November 22, 2017