January 30, 2018

Orange County

Voice of OC: Lawsuit seeks end to Santa Ana riverbed homeless evictions; County says it won’t stop

Attorney Brooke Weitzman Monday filed a federal court lawsuit in an effort to halt the county’s eviction of hundreds of homeless people from the Santa Ana riverbed, but the county immediately said it will continue telling people to leave unless a judge orders it to stop.


OC Register: Will streetcars or express buses fix Harbor Boulevard’s congestion?

Those options are expensive – $230 million for the fast buses and more than $600 million for a streetcar – and wouldn’t be built for at least five years


OC Register: Local Democrats pick favorite congressional candidates in hot races

Saturday’s caucus-style voting was open to members of the state and county governing Democratic central committees and to members of recognized Democrat clubs.


OC Register: Is the high-priced California vibe worth it to retirees?

WalletHub scored the Golden State as the No. 3 state as a place to be for one’s golden years. Not terribly surprised when you look at natural beauty and cultural opportunities. Best state? Minnesota. Worst? Arkansas.


LA Times: With few budget solutions in sight, Cal State administrators say another tuition increase is possible

The system's 23 campuses are under pressure to enroll more students and graduate them faster, while also keeping up with faculty salary demands and a $2-billion building maintenance backlog.



Capital & Main: America’s most successful union organizer thinks traditional organizing is a lost cause

An alternative is a European-style paradigm in which representatives of the employees, employers, and the government set standards for wages and benefits throughout an entire industry or across a geographic area.


Apolitical: Chicago will give hotel workers panic buttons to prevent sexual assault

A 2016 union survey on sexual harassment and assault among 500 hospitality workers in the Chicago area found that a striking 58% of hotel workers had experienced unwanted behaviour from guests, including flashing, groping, or sexual coercion.


Publication Date: January 30, 2018