February 1, 2018


AFL-CIO: Remember Echol Cole and Robert Walker, whose deaths sparked the 1968 I AM A MAN strike.

50 years ago, Cole and Walker died on the job in Memphis. Take a moment today to remember these men and honor their memory and sacrifice, as we pick up the mantle from the 1968 strikers in the ongoing fight for racial and economic justice.


Labor 411: Minneapolis Union Workers: The unsung heroes of Super Bowl LII

Super Bowl LII will be a wall-to-wall union event. That includes the union construction workers who finished building U.S. Bank stadium in 2016, food vendors in the stands to hotel workers and airport and bus and light rail operators getting people to and from the game. Oh, and don’t forget about the players on the field!


LA Times: Home Depot's bonuses underscore what workers get out of the corporate tax cut: Peanuts

Whatever the system, the bonuses that companies are beating the drums about are onetime payouts, with no guarantee that they'll be repeated next year or the year after that. The corporate tax cut, however, is a gift that keeps on giving … to shareholders.


Orange County

Voice of OC: Anaheim approves homelessness policies focused on housing

The Homeless Policy Working Group, a committee formed in June at the request of Councilman Jose Moreno, sought to review all of the city’s current efforts to tackle homelessness.


OC Register: Rohrabacher challengers reveal differences at forum

The large field of Democratic challengers to GOP Congressman Dana Rohrabacher raises the possibility that none will end up on the November ballot — that they will split the June vote, allowing two Republicans to advance out of the state’s top-two open primary.


OC Register: California migration: Come for jobs, leave to retire

Who are your new neighbors and why did the old ones go? Studies from the folks who help people relocate paint a picture that makes sense for high-cost California: You come for a great financial opportunity; you leave when your income-picture is challenged.


OC Register: New ‘concrete monolith’ gets first canisters of dry waste at San Onofre

In a move that activists fervently hoped to thwart, Southern California Edison “safely and successfully” loaded the first multi-purpose spent fuel canister into its new home inside a concrete monolith at San Onofre on Wednesday, officials said.



Atlantic: America is not a democracy

If public policy reflected the preferences of the majority of Americans, the country would look radically different: Campaign contributions would be more tightly regulated; paid parental leave would be the law of the land and public colleges free; the minimum wage would be higher and gun control much stricter.


Publication Date: February 1, 2018