February 8, 2018

Orange County

Voice of OC: Second federal lawsuit filed against County on behalf of riverbed homeless

The Legal Aid Society said the county has excluded disabled people from its homeless services by failing to accommodate people's mental and physical disabilities. Homeless people cited in the lawsuit said they were sent to shelters with crowded, noisy conditions that triggered their mental health problems.


OC Register: Tenants, landlords clash over rent control in Santa Ana

A study session about whether rent control helps or harms rent-burdened tenants drew about 40 speakers on both sides of the issue, amid cheers and applause from supporters for both positions.


OC Register: Jay Chen surges in Democratic congressional field

As the only elected official in a field of mostly first-time candidates — including three who didn’t live in the district when they entered the contest — Chen’s experience in the district is paying dividends.


Voice of OC: LA Police Commission says off-duty officer in Anaheim violated use of force policy

The five-member civilian board, which conducts a review any time an officer fires their gun, unanimously concluded Tuesday that Ferguson's conduct and his decision to fire his gun were against department policy.



Bloomberg: Labor Dept. ditches data showing bosses could skim waiters’ tips

Senior department political officials—faced with a government analysis showing that workers could lose billions of dollars in tips as a result of the proposal—ordered staff to revise the data methodology to lessen the expected impact.


Construction Dive: ABC, industry groups ask Trump to axe federal PLA mandate

The Associated Builders and Contractors penned a letter to President Donald Trump asking him to rescind an Obama-era executive order that encourages federal agencies to use project labor agreements (PLA) on any federal or federally assisted project of $25 million or more.



LA Times: California voters divided over proposed measure to repeal increase in gas tax, survey finds

The repeal of the gas tax is supported by 47% of likely voters and opposed by 48%, according to the statewide survey by the Public Policy Institute of California.



Vox: Congress’s massive budget deal, explained

On Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer announced a deal on budget caps that would increase investments in domestic programs and the military by roughly $300 billion over the next two years


Publication Date: February 8, 2018