February 14, 2018

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Orange County

OC Register: County gets OK to start evicting Santa Ana riverbed homeless next Tuesday, but must provide shelterF

After pressure from U.S. District Judge David O. Carter to reach a quick solution during an all-day court session, county officials and lawyers for homeless people agreed Tuesday night on language for written notices ordering people out of the riverbed and offering temporary shelter.


OC Register: Claim in jail cell death of Danny Pham says deputies placed ‘lamb with a lion’

The alleged assailant had been “sexually aggressive” with a previous cell mate and, prior to being put into the cell with the victim, attacked a deputy jailer.


LA Times: Lawsuit says a third man was involved in Orange County coroner's body mix-up

The coroner did not respond to message seeking comment. Last July, a spokesman said an investigation into the incident would take as long as a year, and the results may never be made public.


OC Register: Toll road agency report criticizes San Clemente’s campaign against toll road, city fires back

San Clemente residents at TCA meetings have repeatedly criticized the TCA’s own survey and own outreaches as misleading. During public comment Feb. 8, San Clemente resident Cord Bauer objected to TCA sponsorship of business groups that endorse TCA efforts.


OC Register: Huntington Beach police struggle with ‘deep divisions’ in department, report says

The $52,900 65-page report, released late Friday, Feb. 9, consisted of data analysis and department interviews and contained 16 recommendations for change and improvement.


OC Register: More visitors spending more money in Anaheim, tourism bureau says

The volume of visitors grew by 5.1 percent over 2016’s total, and those visitors spent 6.2 percent more than last year, preliminary information from CIC Research showed. Visit Anaheim contracts with CIC to analyze visitor and spending data.


OC Register: Rising mortgage rates to have little effect on homebuying, researchers report

A half-point rise added $127, or 7 percent, to the monthly payment on a median-priced Southern California home. If rates were to hit 5 percent, payments would increase $292 a month, or 15 percent.



Cal Labor Fed: Union Time: The 2018 class of organizing stewards gears up for the fights ahead

It was organizing that enabled us to negotiate our earliest contracts, not to mention all of the subsequent gains we’ve made at the bargaining table ever since. It is organizing that gives us our collective power, and organizing will be what sustains and strengthens our union for years to come.


Publication Date: February 14, 2018