February 23, 2018

Orange County

Voice of OC: Santa Ana appoints David Valentin as permanent police chief

Valentin’s permanent appointment was one of several city job changes announced in the last two weeks, including a new human resources director and the hiring of a homeless services manager.


OC Register: Clearing of homeless encampments moves to Angel Stadium area as more people are relocated Thursday

Efforts to move more people into motel rooms or shelters from tent encampments along the Santa Ana River Trail progressed Thursday as Orange County officials turned their attention southward to homeless people clustered near Angel Stadium.


OC Register: How much space your rental dollar buys for apartments in Southern California

We are always comparing ourselves to others and if you’re living in 600 square feet of space and find that someone else is getting 1,100 or 1,200 feet of space for about the same amount of rent, that’s upsetting to people.


OC Register: Working but still struggling? Here’s a tax credit that might help you

Federal EITC credits can range from $510 to $6,318. Even individuals with incomes well above the poverty line, up to $53,900, are eligible for modest amounts, depending on their family size.


OC Register: Umberg jumps into state Senate race, gets attacked by Republicans

Voters will actually have three Democrats — plus Republican Nguyen — to choose from in June’s open primary, the current field remains constant through the March 9 filing deadline.



LA Times: Wages are finally starting to rise, but not for the middle class

By and large, the broad middle of the labor force has not seen much of a raise, mirroring a long-running trend of income polarization and a shrinking middle class in America.



NY Times: California whistle-blower law is revived

Under the legislation, anyone who intentionally retaliates against a whistle-blower in the Legislature could be fined up to $10,000, jailed for up to a year and could be sued by the employee in civil court.


Publication Date: February 23, 2018