February 27, 2018

Janus Case

Politico: Gorsuch mum as Supreme Court rehears public employee union fight

The Supreme Court grappled Monday with a reprise of a case that could significantly weaken public employee unions, but Justice Neil Gorsuch added mystery to the proceedings by remaining silent and offering no hint of how he might vote.


Orange County

Voice of OC: Santana: Riverbed evictions revealed failed homelessness policies

Out at long overdue county responder tents and trailers near Angel’s Stadium, a constant stream of riverbed residents saw harsh county eviction deadlines tempered by the common sense of U.S District Judge David O. Carter.


Voice of OC: Most OC cities support adding 2,700 new homes for homeless, organizer says

Cities across Orange County are now on board with a plan to double the amount of permanent supportive housing for homeless people from the current 2,700 units to 5,400 units, divided among cities by their population, according to the countywide association of cities.

OC Register: Anaheim seeking civilians for a new Police Review Board

The pilot board was created in 2014 in response to a series of officer-involved shootings and public protests. Some have questioned its effectiveness, and city officials said they used what was learned from that experiment to create the new permanent board.


OC Register: Local agencies plan seminar on active shooter responses at Orange Unified schools

The evening’s events, open to all local parents, will include a demonstration by the Sheriff’s Department, a discussion on coping skills, a round-table with agency representatives and a community Q&A session.


LA Times: Southern California home prices in January rose at their fastest pace in 44 months

The double-digit rise in the median price put it at $507,000, which was lower than December's peak of $509,500 when the six-county region surpassed bubble-era highs of $505,000 in 2007, according to a report out Tuesday by research firm CoreLogic.



OC Register: Labor talks heat up for Disney park workers on both coasts

Through its long history, Disney has had rough patches with workers. Founder Walt Disney fumed over an animator’s strike in 1941 that was ultimately settled by a federal mediator. As recently as 2008, several dozen park employees, many of them in costume, were arrested for blocking traffic outside Disneyland.



OC Register: 14 reports of school threats ended with 12 students, 2 adults arrested in Southern California last week

In Orange County, a John F. Kennedy High School student was arrested on suspicion of using social media to make violent threats, police said. It wasn’t clear who the threats were made against, however. The student is 15.


Publication Date: February 27, 2018