March 1, 2018

Janus Case

Cal Labor Fed: Workers across California stand up to billionaires trying to gut unions with Janus v AFSCME Case

As the Supreme Court of the United States heard oral arguments today in a right-wing billionaire-funded case that seeks to gut unions, thousands of working people across California took to the streets to rise up in support of our freedom to stand together.


Orange County

Voice of OC: Broad-based campaign launched to help and house homeless people in Orange County

The effort, led by Orange County United Way, piggybacks on a study it commissioned from UC Irvine that found it costs the public less to house long-term homeless people with wraparound health services than keep them on the streets where they often rotate in and out of expensive stays at emergency rooms and jails.

OC Register: Disney unions’ ballot drive seeks to raise wages up to $18 an hour for hospitality companies that take Anaheim subsidies

The Disneyland Resort and any large hospitality business benefiting from Anaheim city subsidies would be required to pay at least $15 an hour to their workers beginning in 2019 under a proposed ballot initiative sponsored by a coalition of unions.



Buzz Feed: Elizabeth Warren wants to force public companies to make sexual harassment data publict

Warren and Rep. Jacky Rosen introduced legislation Tuesday that would require public companies to report more information about sexual harassment, the latest in a flurry of legislation as Congress grapples with the #MeToo movement.


Huffpost: Powerful men who Lose their jobs over harassment can still get big payouts

The same power structures that allow abusive men to climb the workplace ladder at the expense of female colleagues, can reward them after they’re caught.


Publication Date: March 1, 2018