March 5, 2018

Orange County

Voice of OC: Santana: United to end homelessness

The United Way aims to get real leadership focused on the real systemic issues affecting the homeless population – such as a critical lack of permanent, supportive housing here in Orange County as well as switching the county’s front line response to health care and social workers instead of Sheriff’s Deputies.


OC Register: San Clemente officials argue proposed toll road extension would cost $2 billion, make traffic worse

Mayor Tim Brown and Councilwoman Kathleen Ward announced results of an $89,000, city-commissioned study that concluded if the 241 is extended, by 2040 drivers would be traveling more miles and and experiencing more delays than if the project were not built.

OC Register: Garden Grove or Westminster: Where is housing hotter?

'In Garden Grove, sales rose as 331 residences sold vs. 310 a year earlier. That’s a gain of 6.8 percent vs. a 2.2 percent gain countywide for the October-to-December period.


OC Register: Partisan politicians break bread at CSU Fullerton dinner

Sponsored by CSU Fullerton’s Center for Oral and Public History, the event attracted a broad range of political luminaries, including the heads of both county parties, past and present state legislators, mayors and council members, candidates, consultants and major donors.



Labor 411: Republicans are trying a dirty tactic to weaken 'Right to Work' opposition

A bill to move the statewide vote on the new right to work law to August has some union members worried, saying it’s a political move trying to make it easier for the law to stay in place.



Labor 411: Republicans are trying a dirty tactic to weaken 'Right to Work' opposition

Confronted with a shortage of funding, state officials announced last month that they would move ahead with the construction of one giant water tunnel under the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta rather than two.



OC Register: Here’s where DACA’s Dreamers come from, where they live, and what their economic impact is

Meanwhile, a U.S. Supreme Court decision means that DACA is continuing, at least for those already in the pipeline, while the issue winds its way through the court system. California has the most DACA recipients of any state: 197,900. Texas, with the second-highest number of DACA recipients, has 113,000.


Publication Date: March 5, 2018