March 19, 2018

Orange County

Voice of OC: Santana: It takes a federal judge

Judge David O. Carter is asking important questions about a state audit that backs up what Voice of OC reporters have been reporting since 2015: Orange County is stashing away hundreds of millions of dollars granted to them by taxpayers to address homelessness – to instead, earn interest.


Voice of OC: Feet to the Fire 2: Costa Mesa politics

This podcast discusses the first mayoral election in Costa Mesa history and who is running for elections this fall in the city.


Voice of OC: Suit or No Suit? Confusion over voting rights issue in Mission Viejo

Is Mission Viejo guaranteed it won’t be sued for not creating individual districts to elect its five city council members? Mayor Ed Sachs has made public statement to that effect but activists say that’s not the case.


OC Register: Powerful storm due to arrive this week could impact burn areas in Southern California

Rain likely will arrive in the region Tuesday afternoon and continue through Thursday, with two to five inches in the coastal and valley areas and up to 10 inches in the foothills and mountains, said National Weather Service specialist Stuart Seto.



OC Register: Here’s how many women are part of the workforce, and how their earnings lag behind those of men

The number of women participating in the U.S. labor force increased from about 15 million in the late 1960s to 48.3 million in 2016. However, since 2000, the rate of women entering the workforce has slowed. The source for the story is U.S. Census data.



Bloomberg: Facebook falls 7 percent as pressure mounts on Zuckerberg to come clean on data

Facebook shares posted their steepest drop since 2015 as U.S. and European officials demanded answers to reports that a political advertising firm retained information on millions of the social network’s users without their consent.


Publication Date: March 19, 2018