March 29, 2018

Janus Case

NY Daily News: The Janus-faced war on unions – Richard Trumka

At a breakfast with reporters last month, plaintiff Mark Janus threw his handlers into a frenzy after veering off script. As Politico reported, he told the crowd that “collective bargaining is beneficial to people and workers.” He should know — he’s enjoyed the sizable benefits of a union contract for years.


Orange County

OC Register: Here’s how the bolt on the container of nuclear waste at San Onofre may have been shaken loose

At first, workers thought an extra part was inadvertently placed or left inside the canister. It was returned to Holtec, the manufacturer of San Onofre’s dry storage system, which then determined that it was a piece of a stainless steel pin threaded into the bottom end of an aluminum shim within the canister.


LA Times: (Updated) As a crucial primary nears, track the California races that could flip the House

Retirements in Southern California have created two open-seat races that could make that task a bit easier. On the other hand, the Republicans running to replace them might fare better against crowded fields of Democratic hopefuls.


OC Register: Costa Mesa is opposing proposal for homeless shelter at Fairview Developmental Center

About 300 people showed at a special City Council meeting Wednesday, March 28, to discuss a proposal to turn the state-run Fairview Developmental Center into an emergency homeless shelter.


OCGOV.COM: John Wayne Airport posts February 2018 statistics

In February 2018, the Airport served 763,505 passengers, an increase of 7.4% when compared with the February 2017 passenger traffic count of 711,010.



Economic Policy Institute: Laws that help protect labor standards for unauthorized immigrant workers

Between 2013 and 2017 the California legislature considered and passed seven laws designed to protect workers in the state from retaliation and discrimination related to their immigration status including AB 263 prohibiting the use of immigration status as a threat to retaliate against workers exercising their rights.



Calmatters: Even as Facebook apologizes, it funds a campaign to block a California data-privacy measure

The social media giant’s donation matched others from Google, AT&T, Comcast and Verizon—a million-dollar sign that the issue of how companies collect and share personal information is likely to grow into an expensive fight as election season unfolds in California.


Publication Date: March 29, 2018