March 30, 2018

Orange County

OC Register: Orange County Fire Authority broke protocol in small, delayed Canyon 2 fire response, probe finds

Recommendations include that OCFA improve its dispatch training and protocols, automatically deploy a larger response within some high-risk fire areas, and revise its agreement with the sheriff’s helicopter unit and develop a compatible “public safety aviation program,” among other instructions.


Wall Street Journal: Orange County was set to house the homeless, and there was a popular revolt

Ultimately, county officials not only backed away from the plan they had ostensibly supported only last week, but also apologized for it.


The Guardian: San Diego unveils unorthodox homelessness solution: big tents

The industrial-sized tent holds 324 people in neatly spaced, numbered bunks. People can bring their pets, and 70 dogs also live in the shelter. It offers a bed and services – from healthcare to employment assistance to showers and laundry.


Voice of OC: Anaheim approves new rules for neighborhood parking permits

Residents have complained about long walks at night from their car to their home, rearranging their lives to make sure they find a parking spot at night, and swallowing parking citations as a cost of living in the neighborhood.



Cal Labor Fed: Worker death shines spotlight on Disney’s poverty policies

She struggled working eight-hour shifts for six days for a company that didn’t even bother helping with flower arrangements. For a company that took and took from her and terminated her on the spot after her third no call, no show. A company that asked for her costumes back as soon as possible so they can give them to the next re-hire.


Urban Institute: The retirement outlook for millennials

We project that median incomes will be higher for Gen Xers and millennials at age 70 than for previous generations, but these generations are at a higher risk of seeing their living standards fall.



Next Gen: Our broken money bail system

The bail bond industry preys on the poor, people of color and vulnerable families, while raking in about $2 billion in profits every year


Publication Date: March 30, 2018