April 5, 2018

Orange County

Voice of OC: ACLU sues DA and Sheriff over jailhouse snitch scandal

At times, informants have threatened defendants with violence to get the information they wanted, the lawsuit states, while other informants have been "paid handsomely -- hundreds of thousands of dollars in some cases --" for providing information useful to prosecutors.


OC Register: What’s happened to the Santa Ana River homeless people since their motel stays expired?

According to Frank Kim, county CEO, about half accepted services and referrals to shelters; 36 percent declined any offer of shelter or service; 15 percent left the motels before they could be assessed.


OC Register: Trump’s approval rating at 37% in Orange County, Chapman poll finds

Most Orange County residents disapprove of the President’s, strongly support gun control, support a path to permanent U.S. residency for undocumented immigrants and are willing to tax themselves to fight homelessness, a new Chapman University poll released this week shows.


OC Register: Even Orange County renters don’t want a building boom

Slow-growth sentiment is typically popular with homeowners who think it’s the best way to preserve the value of their properties. But the surveyed renters had similar concerns even as the state grapples with limited housing supply and affordability.



LA Times: California eviction law is pushing working families out of their neighborhoods or worse — onto the streets

The poorer the tenants, the faster they'll capitulate in the face of litigation. If they can't afford an attorney, and if they decide to defend themselves, they are likely to lose.



LA Times: At $75,560, housing a prisoner in California now costs more than a year at Harvard

That’s enough to cover the annual cost of attending Harvard University and still have plenty left over for pizza and beer



Washington Post: Former congressional staffers urge Senate to address sexual harassment

An advocacy group created by former congressional staff member is urging Senate leaders to bring up legislation to address sexual harassment, echoing a recent call by all 22 female senators.

Publication Date: April 5, 2018