April 9, 2018

Orange County

Voice of OC: Santana: Part-Time county supervisors

How can you blame city leaders for having a lack of faith in a bunch of part-time county leaders who can’t fashion together credible strategies or build public consensus around any sort of policy lift beyond cheap, taxpayer-financed, election-year mailers advertising county pet fairs and fishing derbies.“


OC Register: Cost of housing a serious issue for Orange County residents, poll finds

“Most people really like Orange County,” said Fred Smoller, associate professor of political science and lead researcher of the survey. “The whole notion that everybody is leaving is ridiculous. We know the prices are outrageous, but we want to stay.”


OCGOV: Closed portion of Santa Ana River Trail now open

A slightly modified trail route will allow public use of the trail for hiking, bicycling and equestrian activity. Remediation work continues behind secured construction fencing.


OCEA: Members Only: Holistic Lifestyle Mini Fair April 12

The event runs from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday, April 12, at OCEA Headquarters, 830 N. Ross St., in Santa Ana. Come for a FREE lunch, raffle prizes, holistic massage, stress relief, holistic medicine, health screenings, acupressure/acupuncture, body and skin care, treats, pain relief and much more!



OC Register: Southern California pay hits record highs as workers get more hours

A growing regional economy and low unemployment are apparently forcing local private-industry bosses to extend the work week of late. For example, the average L.A.-O.C. work week in past year was 34.93 hours, the longest since November 2016.



LA Times: Facebook to notify the 87 million users whose data may have been shared with Cambridge Analytica

Facebook says most of the affected users (more than 70 million) are in the U.S., though there are over a million each in the Philippines, Indonesia and Great Britain.


Publication Date: April 9, 2018