April 10, 2018

Orange County

Voice of OC: Santa Ana Mayor steps up legal action against district elections

Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido Monday stepped up his legal action against a plan to put district elections on the June ballot, with little time left for City Council members who support the measure to ask the courts to let voters decide the issue.


Voice of OC: Judge allows suspended lawyer running for DA to stay on ballot

Two attorneys representing Anaheim resident Mark Daniels said they will pursue an expedited appeal of the ruling, and hope for an answer by April 13, the deadline for the county Registrar of Voters to begin printing ballots.


OC Tribune: OCFA may replace city fire department

Garden Grove’s fire department is 92 years old, and it may not make it to 100. At Tuesday’s meeting of the City Council, the first public steps were taken toward possible replacement of the Garden Grove Fire Department with services from the Orange County Fire Authority.



Cal Labor Fed: AB 3087 tackles out-of-control health care prices

Exploding out of pocket costs for medical care is crushing workers and their families; deductibles have increased six times faster than wages since 2010. Desperate families are skipping health care as a result.



OC Register: How do California eviction rates compare with the rest of the U.S.?

A separate Southern California News Group investigation last year showed eviction rates in the region and have been dropping steadily since the peak of the Great Recession.


OC Register: Housing crisis: California bill aims to help the ‘missing middle’

The new legislation, Assembly Bill 3152, would give nonprofit housing developers property tax exemptions on homes in high-cost areas that are rented at a discount to those with moderate incomes.



OC Register: Under Trump, the consumer protection bureau goes silent

In the days since the Trump administration took control of the nation’s consumer watchdog agency, it has not recorded a single enforcement action against banks, credit card companies, debt collectors or any finance companies whatsoever.


Publication Date: April 10, 2018