April 12, 2018

Orange County

Voice of OC: Anaheim Council discusses Disneyland workers’ wages

The latest economic impact report commissioned by Disneyland, released in 2015 and based on 2013 data, estimated the resort generates $5.7 billion annually in economic activity for Southern California.


OC Register: Big money, political gamesmanship shaping Orange County congressional races

On the line are four longtime GOP-held seats in congressional districts won by Hillary Clinton in 2016. Winning any or all could give Democrats some of the 23 seats they’ll need to retake control of the House of Representatives.



OC Register: Facebook to stop spending against California privacy effort

The measure, known as the “California Consumer Privacy Act,” would require companies to disclose upon request what types of personal information they collect about someone and whether they’ve sold it. It also would allow customers to opt out of having their data sold.



LA Times: California Rep. Jeff Denham says he has the votes to force GOP leaders to consider immigration bills

California Republican Rep. Jeff Denham says he has the support needed to force a vote in the House on four immigration bills to protect so-called Dreamers, despite the objections of his own party's leadership. But he's not committing to using it yet.


Publication Date: April 12, 2018