April 18, 2018

Orange County

Voice of OC: OC should get ready to compete for state homeless housing money, say city and business leaders

The funding measure, SB3, was put on the November ballot by the state Legislature, and asks voters to use existing state general fund money to pay for a $4 billion bond for affordable housing and veteran’s home ownership.


OC Register: Ballot initiative to control growth, developments in Irvine misses deadline for filing

“No petitions were received by the city of Irvine at the close of business yesterday,” city spokesman Craig Ream wrote in an email Tuesday. “Subsequently, this ballot measure does not qualify for the Nov. 6 general municipal election.”


LA Times: DCCC elevates Democrat Cisneros in hopes of uniting Democrats to flip Rep. Ed Royce's seat

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee on Wednesday added Gil Cisneros, a Democrat running for the Orange County seat, to its national “Red to Blue” program, which highlights particularly strong campaigns in crucial districts.


OC Register: Southern California house prices hit 10 1/2-year high, realtors report

Orange County house prices hit an all-time high in March, while prices in the Inland Empire hit their highest level since August 2007, the California Association of Realtors reported Tuesday, April 17.



OC Register: Southern California has some of the worst air pollution in the country, report finds

Los Angeles, Riverside, Ventura, San Bernardino and Orange counties recorded the most unhealthful levels of ozone— the main ingredient of smog— in the nation, despite showing improvement.


OC Register: Southern California bankruptcies fall to 11-year low

Slow business for Southern California bankruptcy courts is good news for the local economy. Local individual and business bankruptcy filings started 2018 with the seventh-consecutive, year-over-year decline to the slowest pace in 11 years.


Publication Date: April 18, 2018