April 24, 2018

Orange County

Voice of OC’s Santana: OC faces stark accountability crisis

Now, in a world as shadowy as law enforcement investigations, it’s hard to know exactly what’s really going on here between these agencies and why they don’t work well together. Yet the result is much less hazy: Orange County politicos get a free pass.


Voice of OC: Anaheim sued over seizure of homeless peoples’ property

When the homeless people tried to retrieve their belongings at city-designated storage centers, they found possessions like tents and blankets were discarded by officials while cell phones, food stamp cards and electronics were missing, according to the lawsuit.


OCGOV.COM: Orange County Plan for aging

Did you know that within the next 15 years, Orange County’s 65 and over population will grow by 63%, with Orange County being among the fastest growing aging counties in America?



NY Times: Public servants are losing their foothold in the middle class

In recent years, though, the ranks of state and local employees have languished even as the populations they serve have grown. They now account for the smallest share of the American civilian work force since 1967.


Cal Labor Fed: Stop sexual harassment and exploitation on the job by ending forced arbitration!

Sexually harassed on the job? Cheated out of pay? Forced arbitration agreements rob workers of the option to take their employer to court or to the Labor Commissioner to file a complaint when their rights have been violated. I


OC Register: Southwest has been faced with fines, union safety complaints

The union representing Southwest mechanics recently accused the company of pressuring maintenance workers to cut corners to keep planes flying. And the Federal Aviation Administration investigated union whistleblower complaints and found mistrust of management so serious that it could hurt safety.



Capital & Main: The health-care campaign to cover the state’s remaining uninsured

This effort comes on the heels of last year’s unsuccessful attempt to legislate single-payer health care, which would have replaced the patchwork of private insurance plans, subsidies and state-funded health coverage for the low-income and elderly, with a single, state-funded system in California.

Publication Date: April 24, 2018