April 25, 2018

Orange County

Voice of OC: Supervisors reject mayors’ proposal for homeless shelter in remote canyon

The move also shifts attention back to the south county mayors regarding where, if anywhere, they plan to place a homeless shelter. None of the mayors who supported the Silverado Canyon shelter spoke at the supervisors’ meeting and no county supervisors identified any potential locations in the cities.


LA Times: South O.C.'s solution to homelessness is class warfare at its NIMBYest

If share-the-burden proposals or judicial nudges don't work, expect some legal diktats. Already the Santa Ana City Council is planning to sue the Board of Supervisors, Laguna Niguel, Irvine and Huntington Beach for their recalcitrance.


Daily Pilot: Newport breaks ground on Corona del Mar 'fibrary'

Newport Beach leaders celebrated the $8.8-million combined facility with a groundbreaking ceremony on the site of the former fire station and library buildings at Marigold Avenue and East Coast Highway.


Daily Pilot: Newport council unlikely to continue with closed session today on city manager hiring process

Replacing City Manager Dave Kiff has been a touchy subject as critics contend that four members of the City Council colluded to force Kiff to leave about eight months earlier than he originally planned. The four have repeatedly denied that.I


LA Times: They came for Darrell Issa. They stayed with their inflatable chicken, blue wall and signs for political therapy

For about 65 weeks the deep divide in America played out along this 100-yard stretch of road in Vista. Here, at 10 a.m. every Tuesday, passersby found signs, chants, songs and, if they were lucky, sometimes a 20-foot-tall inflatable chicken with a Trump-esque coif.



Labor 411: Five companies that have no excuse to pay workers poverty wages (but do so anyway)

Why do so many employees in fast food and retail rely on food stamps? One word: greed. The money is there but, as you can see from the numbers, companies refuse to share the wealth that the employees create.


AFL-CIO: Big Week for Workers as More Than 10,000 Working People Join Together in Union in One Week

From flight attendants to graduate students, each day more working people are gaining the power to change an economy rigged against us.

Publication Date: April 25, 2018