April 27, 2018

Orange County

Voice of OC: Santa Ana wants all 34 OC cities included in federal homeless lawsuit

The move could grant Judge David Carter the ability to follow through on his warnings about banning enforcement of anti-camping laws if city officials, particularly south county mayors and city managers, don’t make progress in picking one or more shelter locations.


OC Register: Santa Ana hit with lawsuit seeking by-district voting

The Los Angeles chapter of Asian Americans Advancing Justice had threatened a suit in a March letter, which the city received as the council was debating a June ballot measure to switch council elections from at-large to by-district.


Voice of OC: County won’t hire outside lawyer to defend DA and sheriff In jailhouse informant lawsuit

The American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California (ACLU) filed a lawsuit April 4 against the county, alleging the DA and Sheriff’s Department continue to violate the rights of criminal defendants through the use of illegal informants.


OC Register: Southern California homeownership on the rise, but still lags nation

Here are six must-know trends from the U.S. Census Bureau’s first-quarter report on home ownership which suggests some progress is being made in fighting the housing shortage.



Associated Press: Teachers in Arizona, Colorado rally to protest funding, pay

Around 30,000 to 50,000 teachers and their supporters were getting ready to march through Phoenix for a rally at the Arizona state Capitol to demand a 20 percent raise for teachers, about $1 billion to return school funding to pre-Great Recession levels and increased pay for support staff, among other things.


Seattle PI: Burgerville votes to unionize, makes history as first federally-recognized fast food union

Burgerville corporate refused to voluntarily recognize the group until they held a vote orchestrated by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB); now that the vote is out of the way, Burgerville will finally sit down with the Burgerville Workers Union to start contract negotiations



LA Times: UC shelves tuition increase for now, in hopes of getting more state funding

University of California regents will not vote on a tuition increase next month, shelving the plan for now in hopes that state lawmakers will come through with more funding.

Publication Date: April 27, 2018