May 10, 2018

Orange County

OC Register: South County mayors take on homelessness, but no shelter sites named yet

The mayors, who met for about 90 minutes at TJ’s Cantina, also agreed to draft and sign a letter to be sent to the state’s Joint Legislative Audit Committee requesting an accounting of all the resources at Orange County’s disposal for homeless services.


TimesOC: Grand jury tells schools to report on safety measures

Wide disparities exist among schools in the way they control access to their campuses, and some schools are not as safe as they could be, according to the report.


Voice of OC: North OC’s 39th Congressional race still a ‘Toss Up’

There are too many arguably viable candidates on both sides. The Democrats would have been better off with only two instead of three viable candidates. Same on the Republican side.


OC Register: Proposed bill could neuter Orange County toll road agencies

The battle over a proposed toll road extension in South Orange County may be fought next in Sacramento, after Assemblyman Rocky Chávez drafted a bill that would limit the powers of the agencies that operate a tollway system in the eastern and southern reaches of the county.


OC Register: Anaheim to spend nearly $1 million on beefing up fire support, brush clearing after review of Canyon Fire 2 response

A recent report to the City Council laid out the problems, such as traffic backups in evacuation zones, poor communication between emergency response agencies, and Anaheim fire officials who reported for duty but couldn’t find a pickup truck available to get them into the field



Sacramento Bee: Suing your bosses would be protected under new California bill

California workers could not be forced to sign an arbitration agreement, giving up their right to take complaints against their employer to court, under a bill currently moving through the Legislature.



Calmatters: Lead paint makers balk at huge bill for toxic cleanup — they want you to pick up the tab

Three companies found to have sold toxic lead paint for decades—despite knowing it posed health hazards for children—are waging a major battle to avoid paying the several hundred million dollars in liability that California courts have slapped on them.


OC Register: How California regained title of world’s 5th largest economy

The turnabout in the business climate — by no means perfect, but a reversal that stunned by doubters — has created job opportunities, boosted salaries, overheated real estate markets and lifted numerous Californians out of poverty.


Publication Date: May 10, 2018