May 11, 2018

Orange County

Voice of OC: Local unions clash over Anaheim wage ordinance

The initiative sparked a heated debate at Tuesday’s City Council meeting between local building trade unions – who fear the initiative will kill the luxury hotel projects and drive away new business — and the coalition of labor groups representing Disney and hotel workers that is pushing for the wage increase.


Vice News: Some Disneyland employees are facing homelessness working at “The Happiest Place On Earth”

Low-wage workers are being priced out of Orange County, the posh suburbs south of Los Angeles. That’s especially true in the city of Anaheim, and its largest employer: Disney.


Capital & Main: Caregivers union says Orange County colluded with Freedom Foundation

California law allows unions that represent home-care workers to give 30-minute presentations at new-employee orientations. But last fall, the Freedom Foundation’s Orange County director, Sam Han, objected to the union’s sole access to new employees and began lobbying the supervisors, all of whom are fellow Republicans.


Voice of OC: Mayors seek state audit of OC homeless and mental health money

South county mayors have been under court pressure since April 3 to find sites for one or more new emergency homeless shelters. As of Thursday county officials and south county mayors hadn’t agreed on potential locations or worked out how costs would be split between cities and the county.



LA Times: The education of Bertha Perez: How a UC Merced custodian's disenchantment led to a political awakening

She has a high school diploma and landing a job at the new university was a dream. Soon, her excitement turned to disillusionment. The custodial staff was stretched too thin, she said, and supervisors were antagonistic. Two years ago she became active in her union, and now she is a member of the executive and bargaining committees.



OC Register: Gov. Jerry Brown proposes $137.6 billion budget, provides $359 milllion to tackle homelessness

Specifically, the budget provides $359 million from surpluss funds to help local governments grappling with homelessness, bridging a gap until new funding flows from new housing measures signed by the governor last year.


Publication Date: May 11, 2018