May 17, 2018

Orange County

Voice of OC: Irvine voters to decide future of Orange County veterans cemetery

Orange County veterans have been fighting for years for a cemetery. The nearest veterans cemeteries are in Los Angeles, Riverside and San Diego. Local chapters of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion have backed the strawberry field site.


OC Register: Southern California house prices up 7.3 percent in April, Realtors report

The median price of an existing Southern California house — or price at the midpoint of all sales — was $515,000 for a second straight month in April. That’s the highest median for the region in more than a decade.


Voice of OC: Riverside ends homelessness for veterans

OC Register: Brainiac: City of Westminster has a new website, and Garden Grove high schools all land on the U.S. News & World Report list of the best in the U.S.


Daily Pilot: Boeing in discussions with potential buyers of 30 acres of Huntington Beach site

The city initially said in a city manager's report Tuesday that the "highly coveted" Boeing site had been sold to a yet-to-be-disclosed buyer, but Boeing spokeswoman Tiffany Pitts said the company is working with interested parties and identifying "suitable buyers."



CALmatters: Billionaires vs teachers union: Charter school fight amps up race for California governor

What do these billionaires have in common? They aim to shake up public education by promoting charters—schools that receive taxpayer funds but are not required to follow all the rules that govern traditional schools. And their newest goal is to try to elect California’s next governor.


Capital & Main: Colorado Slashes Pension Benefits for Government Workers; Senator Calls for Hiking Education Funding

The bill slashes cost-of-living increases and requires higher pension contributions from educators, firefighters, cops and other public sector workers covered by Colorado’s PEPRA.



OC Register: California cuts 1 million from its poverty ranks, by one measure

Take the federal government’s so-called “supplemental” poverty rate — demographic math that includes regional variances in the cost of living and government assistance. It’s the yardstick that shows California has the nation’s highest rate of poverty among its populace.


Publication Date: May 17, 2018