May 29, 2018

Janus Case

AFL-CIO: Message of the Day—Join us for a bright future

No matter what any CEO or lobbyist does, we’re standing up for the freedom to join together in a union. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka’s message is in the form of a national ad appearing in USA Today, the Washington Post and major newspapers in nine states.


Orange County

Daily Pilot: Costa Mesa council will discuss next city budget at special meeting

Staff is also seeking council direction on whether to move ahead with a possible increase to the transient occupancy tax charged for motel and hotel stays.


Voice of OC: Setting the record straight on the OC Veterans Cemetery

Building the cemetery on strawberry fields at the southern tip of the Great Park costs tens of millions less than an alternative site, fast-tracks construction to meet the pressing needs of Orange County’s 130,000 veterans and does not increase traffic in Irvine.


Daily Pilot: O.C. Fair Board delays contracts for 3 gun shows amid license questions

Orange County Fair Board members have decided to put off voting on rental contracts for three gun shows planned for the fairgrounds later this year, citing questions that emerged in recent media reports regarding the events' operating company.


OC Register: How to communicate with someone under 35 – AKA how to get your call returned

Business owners are aging in Orange County. Frequently, I take a meeting with a business owner in his late 50s or 60s who introduces me to his heir apparent – a son, daughter or in-law. It’s this new generation that has made communication critically important.



OC Register: For CEOs, $11.7 million a year is just middle of the pack

Chief executives at the biggest public companies got an 8.5 percent raise last year, bringing the median pay package for CEOs to $11.7 million. Across the S&P 500, compensation for CEOs is often hundreds of times higher than typical workers.



OC Register: California’s economy beating the nation

Still, lethargic residential development means California’s housing is more crowded, with the nation’s second-highest people-per-unit ratio. But half the states have seen similar trends since 2010 including Florida and Texas. BTW: Texas has the nation’s fourth-most crowded homes.


Publication Date: May 29, 2018