June 16, 2018


Cal Labor Fed: Economists have the answer to inequality: Working people standing together

The real-world effects income inequality are wage stagnation, less access to health care and secure retirements and higher poverty. Throughout much of the 20th century, there was a powerful mechanism to keep inequality in check: Unions.


Orange County

Voice of OC: Anaheim Council to vote Tuesday on minimum wage ballot measure aimed at Disney and other city-subsidized businesses

The Orange County Registrar of Voters notified the city late Wednesday, June 13, that the ballot initiative, sponsored by a coalition of Disney worker and hotel worker unions, gathered enough verified signatures to qualify for the ballot.


OC Register: Anaheim picks UC Irvine chief to head city police department

Anaheim could have a new police chief next week, if the council on Tuesday approves a contract for Jorge Cisneros, who has headed UC Irvine’s police department since 2015.


Daily Pilot: Huntington Beach police want to use a drone in a yearlong public safety test program

The Huntington Beach Police Department is seeking the City Council’s approval Monday for a one-year pilot program to learn how a drone could be used for public safety.


OC Register: Biotech billionaire takes control of the LA Times, names new executive editor

A biotech billionaire who purchased the Los Angeles Times with an eye toward restoring its independence and vigor will officially took control of the news organization Monday, June 18, the newspaper reported.


Daily Pilot: Costa Mesa council poised to OK $163.7-million budget and fill commission vacancies

The budget still proposes eliminating several positions — including that of second assistant city manager, which has been vacant since Rick Francis left to become assistant airport director at John Wayne Airport.



OC Register: U.S. announces tariffs on $50 billion in Chinese imports; China promptly retaliates

A 25 percent tariff on up to $50 billion worth of Chinese imports was announced Friday, instantly escalating a trade dispute between the world’s two largest economies.


Publication Date: June 18, 2018