June 28, 2018

Orange County

Voice of OC: Supervisors start taking control of County’s financial checks and balances

Orange County supervisors acted Tuesday to grant themselves control over the county’s financial checks and balances – a move encouraged by two former employees who allege wrongdoing and opposed by people concerned the supervisors were dismantling independent oversight.


OC Register: Irvine gives notice it may exit Orange County Fire Authority in 2020

“I do want to emphasize ‘might,’” Mayor Don Wagner said Tuesday, adding the notice starts a timeline of up to two years during which city and authority officials must try to resolve their differences.


Daily Pilot: Around Town: Heroes Hall offers preview of ‘Bravemind’ exhibit

“Bravemind: Using Virtual Reality to Combat PTSD,” is the newest exhibit planned for the Heroes Hall veterans museum in Costa Mesa. The interactive exhibit will showcase the virtual reality technology used to help treat and assess post-traumatic stress disorder for military service members and veterans.



Labor 411: Shake Shack founder joins push For $15 tipped minimum wage

One of New York's most successful restaurant entrepreneurs, and the founder of Shake Shack, is joining workers in support of $15 tipped minimum wage.



Office of the Governor: Gov. Brown signs state budget with record rainy day and education funding

Seven and a half years after taking office and inheriting a $27 billion budget deficit, California Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today signed his final state budget, which fills the Rainy Day Fund to the brim and sends record funding to California’s classrooms.



OC Register: Tariffs, possible recession spell end to rising mortgage rates

Assuming a borrower gets the average 30-year fixed rate on a conforming $453,100 loan, last year’s rate of 3.88 percent and payment of $2,132 was $177 lower than this week’s payment of $2,309.


Publication Date: June 28, 2018