June 29, 2018

Orange County

Daily Pilot: Police vow crackdown on illegal fireworks, as ‘safe and sane’ ones go on sale in Costa Mesa and Huntington

Fireworks not approved by the state, including cherry bombs, bottle rockets, firecrackers and aerial shells, are illegal to possess, store, use or transport in California. Doing so is punishable by a $1,000 fine and jail time.


OC Register: The new American dream: Leasing your house

The switch from renting apartments to renting a three-bedroom house on a quiet cul-de-sac gave a family a peaceful home at a reasonable rent. If they had their druthers, though, they’d buy a house instead, but that’s not possible.


OC Register: Do you own a granny flat in Southern California? Or live in one?

One response to California’s housing shortage has been to make it easier for homeowners to build granny flats, or accessory dwelling units (ADU’s), in their backyards.


Daily Pilot: Council members shuffle the deck in Newport Finance Committee

The Newport Beach Finance Committee is seeing a shuffle in its membership. The seven-member advisory panel is made up of three City Council members and four other residents.



AFL-CIO: Recent union organizing wins

Staff at two new downtown Santa Monica hotels voted to become members of UNITE HERE. In Las Vegas, staff at Station Casinos won a settlement with the National Labor Relations Board, which made Palace Station the company's second hotel-casino in Las Vegas to be unionized.



LA Times: California voters will weigh these 12 propositions on November's ballot

Few topics are being as hotly debated in California in 2018 as the high cost of housing and the lack of affordable options for millions of residents. Two propositions seek changes for some of the state’s residents.



LA Times: Judges Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett are leading candidates for Supreme Court seat

President Trump is expected to move quickly to nominate a replacement for retiring Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s soon-to-be-vacant Supreme Court seat, and two leading candidates have emerged.


Publication Date: June 29, 2018