July 3, 2018

Orange County

Voice of OC: Irvine City Council, tired of being a donor, gives notice it’ll withdraw from OC Fire Authority

Because of high property values in Irvine that continue to rise — and a property tax formula that is locked-in by state law — Irvine has always paid more to the fund than it uses in services. Revenue from property taxes collected in Irvine make up 15 percent of the Fire Authority’s total revenues.


OC Register: Where you can celebrate July 4th in Orange County with festivities and fireworks

You can also check out the Orange County Fire Authority’s website, ocfa.org, for a listing of where professional fireworks shows are planned and information on the communities that allow safe and sane fireworks with some safety tips from the fire agency.


OC Register: Brainiac braces for the annual Fourth of July barrage of illegal fireworks that burn fingers, scare dogs, and keep the neighbors fuming

At our home on the western side of Westminster it started slowly more than a week ago. A pop-pop-pop here, a huge boom there. And judging from the neighbors on hyper-local social media sites such as Facebook and Nextdoor.com it’s been like that everywhere.


OC Register: After the bubble: How housing did in Aliso Viejo, Dana Point, Laguna Niguel, San Clemente

In the first quarter of 2008, housing’s bubble was bursting and it was just months before the global financial collapse that led to the Great Recession. This three-month period still stands as Orange County’s slowest-selling start to any year in CoreLogic’s database that dates to 1988.


Daily Pilot: UC Irvine and other colleges are increasing mental health services

The good news for worried parents is that colleges and universities are increasingly taking a proactive approach to helping students work through academic and emotional challenges.



Cal Labor Fed: Millennials and Unions: A Match Made in Heaven

As labor shifts into a new era, more and more young adults want to secure their future with economic stability, rather than living from paycheck to paycheck



LA Times: Hundreds gather at memorial for slain Long Beach firefighter

Hundreds of people gathered Tuesday morning for a memorial service for Long Beach Fire Capt. Dave Rosa, who was fatally shot June 25 as he responded to an explosion at a senior living complex.


Publication Date: July 3, 2018