July 13, 2018

Orange County

Voice of OC: Is desalination in Huntington Beach good for OC?

Paul Cook, general manager for the Irvine Ranch Water District and Brian Lochrie, a spokesman for Poseidon, which is proposing a desal plant in Huntington Beach, both talk about the pros and cons for taxpayers and residents about desalinated water.


OC Register: 91 Express Lanes users to get new sticker transponders, and for many, a savings

Beginning in 2019, the Orange County Transportation Authority and Riverside County Transportation Commission, which jointly operate the toll lanes, will restructure the account plans offered as they phase out the hard-case FasTrack transponders in favor of stickers.


OC Register: Nomination deadline extended for 2018 Top Workplaces program

The newspaper’s annual Top Workplaces program has extended its nomination deadline to Aug. 10 in order for more people to recognize local organizations and firms that excel in workplace dynamics.


OC Register: OC Fair 2018: Here are ways you can get into the fair for free or save a buck on tickets and rides

Planning your fun at the OC Fair? Here are some discounts you can take advantage of to keep some money in your wallet … at least until you try to win the giant stuffed whatever on the midway.



Labor 411: Walmart patents surveillance tech for eavesdropping on workers

Walmart just won a patent for audio surveillance technology that measures workers’ performance, and could even listen to their conversations with customers at checkout.


NY Times: Labor and technology reporting: Two concentric circles

It’s become fashionable in the tech world to argue that we need a third way to classify workers who aren’t obviously employees and aren’t obviously independent contractors, and that this third way should afford them some but not all the protections of employment.



Associated Press: Watchdog says Education Dept. stonewalling student loan suit

The nation’s consumer watchdog agency is accusing the Education Department of impeding a lawsuit that could potentially bring financial relief to millions of student loan borrowers.


Publication Date: July 13, 2018