July 27, 2018

Orange County

OC Fair: First Responders and Law Enforcement Week is Aug. 8-12

Free admission to active-duty and professional staff of the police, sheriff, fire and emergency services departments Aug. 8-12. Issuing agency ID is required.


Voice of OC: Low wages, child poverty, costly housing

Poverty among Orange County children has risen by 24 percent since 2010, according to the U.S. Census. Factoring in the cost of living, 1 in 4 local children is poor.


Voice of OC: On OC: Battling traffic in Irvine

Karen Jaffe, a 20-year Irvine resident and now activist after watching her city streets clog up, talks about recent ballot initiatives in Irvine to address traffic and the power of the issue to drive political campaigns in future years as well as the founding of Irvine Watchdog.org.


OCGOV: John Wayne Airport posts June 2018 stats

Commercial aircraft operations increased 3.2% and commuter aircraft operations increased 40.4% when compared with June 2017 levels.


Daily Pilot: 500,000 expected in Huntington Beach for U.S. Open of Surfing, opening Saturday

The free action-sports cultural event, which runs through Aug. 5, showcases many of the best competitors in surfing, skateboarding and BMX cycling.


Sacramento Bee: State to pay $4.1 million in back wages for overtime at Cal Fire academy

More than 2,000 state firefighters who attended the Cal Fire academy over the past five years will benefit from a $4.1 million agreement awarding them back wages for extra hours they put in during their training at the Amador County site.


AFL-CIO: Trumka: Federal employees make America strong

We’ve fought for every victory. We stopped child labor. We brought you the weekend. We made health care more affordable and accessible. And we made the federal government a place where you can work hard, raise a family and get ahead.



LA Times: U.S. economy surges to 4.1% growth rate, but next it's expected to slow

But with trade tensions still strong between the United States and some key trading partners, particularly China, analysts expect the April-through-June growth will be the high-water mark for the economy this year.


Publication Date: July 27, 2018